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GBR 3103 - NSIP ID 6401552023GBR103
Use SheepTools Compare to view and compare all the rams' EBVs in the EAPK Auction at:
KHSI Registration: 206885 GBR 3103
Detailed NSIP Data: 6401552023GBR103
Born: 2023
Birth Type: Triplet (3 year old dam)
Dam Birthdate: 4/4/2020
Dam Lambing History: 2021: 2-2, 2022: 2-2, 2023: 3-2, 2024: 2-2
Genotyped: Yes
Codon 171 / Scrapie: RR
TMEM 154 / OPP Susceptibility: 1,1 (Less Susceptible)
Offspring: 0
KHSI Pedigree (Click Image to Enlarge)
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NSIP Pedigree Display of EBVs
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