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Gibraltar Farm
Jul 28, 2019
Breeding For Parasite Resistance
Breeding for parasite resistance has been a very enjoyable part of breeding with Katahdins, they have such great potential as far as...

Gibraltar Farm
Apr 24, 2019
2019 Lambing
We are as good as done with lambing, one ewe left to go ... A total of 287 lambs were born, 243 of the lambs came from adults and 44...

Gibraltar Farm
Jan 26, 2019
"Bottlejaw", the little ewe that can
We post a lot about our rams but decided that it was high time to feature a good ewe line too. Bottlejaw is the smallest ewe in our flock an

Gibraltar Farm
Jan 19, 2019
2019 Lamb Crop Sires
It is that time of year, breeding is done, we completed ultrasound scanning the ewes, the first major snow storm is approaching and we...

Gibraltar Farm
May 17, 2018
Goodbye, Mister
We first met you as rambunctious 6 month old ram lamb, being mister personality from day one. When you came down with meningeal worm...

Gibraltar Farm
Sep 24, 2017
Lamb Growth
This year we tried to better understand the change in weight gain of the lambs. Previous years we saw that growth slowed at a certain...

Jul 26, 2017
Fecal egg counts, you can't do just one
Fecal egg counts (FEC) is a great tool but you need to use it right. One single egg count on an individual animal is not very useful but...

Jul 23, 2017
Fecal Egg Count & The Pareto Principle
The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes....

May 18, 2017
Meningeal worm prevention
We have a lot of deer on our property as well as a lot of snails so inevitably we see meningeal worm in the sheep. Since we started doing...

May 15, 2017
KHSI Photo Contest
We received our Katahdin Hairald today and found some very good news inside. I want to congratulate my husband on doing so well in the...

May 5, 2017
Lambing 2017
We are done with lambing for this year and thought this might be a good time to summarize the results of lambing season (for ourselves or...

Mar 23, 2017
Building Feeders for Lambing Jugs
Lambing is starting in less than a week and this year we are not going to throw the hay in a corner of the jug. Having a feeder in the...

Feb 11, 2017
Ewe and ewe lamb pregnancy testing
You can use ultrasound or the BioPRYN blood test to for pregnancy testing in sheep. The benefit of ultrasound is that you can see how...

Jan 10, 2017
Parasite Resistance vs Resilience
Distinguishing between parasite resistance and resilience is very import for a sheep operation that wants to produce quality breeding...

Jan 5, 2017
Our 2017 lamb crop sires
We are patiently waiting for lambing to start the end of March but wanted to introduce our herd sires and how they earned their place in...

Dec 24, 2016
The difference a year makes
This is our second year trying to graze through the winter. We are learning a lot and respecting the cold a lot more. Our first year was...

Sep 9, 2016
Lambs Eating Chicory
There is something about sheep enjoying forage that just makes you feel relaxed. This year we are finishing our 100% grass fed lambs in...

Apr 17, 2016
Knee Deep In Lambs
We started the day a bit earlier than usual because we needed to get some other work done but the sheep had other plans for us. Before...

Apr 7, 2016
Lambing Started On Schedule
It felt like we have been waiting forever. Exactly 145 days after we started breeding we have our first lambs. The yearling had twins,...

Dec 28, 2015
It's a boy! Our first lamb.
This was not exactly a planned pregnancy; you cannot control everything that happens. We were lucky to be there almost from the start...
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